Satisfaction Guarantee

100% Satisfaction Guarantee 


We're a BBB Accredited Business and are rated A+, which is the highest possible ranking.  We have met and exceeded BBB accreditation standards since 1998. 


Bizrate awarded their Circle of Excellence Award to  This award is given to a small number of online retailers that have provided the highest levels of customer satisfaction and outstanding online experiences as rated by the retailer's customers. Only 84 out of 5,000 online retailers received this award, representing 1.7% of all online retailers within the Bizrate Insights North American Retailer Network. 


Since 1997, excellence in customer service has been our highest priority.  We view our customer-centric approach as a process of continuous improvement and understand that musicians need a fast, reliable source for items that are often very hard to find. Our customer service policies and customer service representatives are second to none. We hope that you will see the difference in the service provided by 


Not happy with your order? No problem!  We make it easy for you to get a full refund (less shipping & handling) for items eligible for return, and there is never a restocking fee. Our return policy allows customers to return any unopened merchandise in resalable condition within 45 days of the original ship date. Every item we sell is also covered by a manufacturer's warranty against defects.  


Customer service at is consistently rated five stars.  We're available to answer your questions by email or Toll-Free at 1-800-822-3953. Our knowledgeable and friendly staff is happy to help you find the right string for your instrument and playing style. 


We hope that our return policy and customer service will leave you completely satisfied with your order.  We believe in treating all our customers consistently and equitably. You can be confident that you're always getting the best deal available and that no one is getting preferential treatment through individual negotiation. This is one of the reasons that we maintain a strict time limit for returns. We've found that customers appreciate policies that ensure both fresh products and top quality. 


Our shipping saves you money.  Orders over $65 ship free.  We ship smaller domestic orders, whether it's one string or 10 sets, anywhere in the United States (including APO/FPO) for only $7.95. We usually ship within one business day, and shipping transit time is usually 3-5 business days. 


Some countries outside of the United States may charge customs or import taxes.  Customers are solely responsible for any customs or import taxes that may be incurred. does not have any method available for obtaining specific information about customs or import taxes, and we encourage customers to check with their local authorities before placing an order. Refunds are not available for customers who choose not to pick up their order due to customs, import taxes, or related issues. 


We have the largest selection of music strings in the world.  You can find anything we carry using our search tool or by browsing our site by instrument category or by brand. If you are unable to locate the item you're looking for, contact us, and we'll help you find it. 


We employ all the latest security measures to ensure that your shopping experience is a safe one.  All your information remains private; we never share customer information with third parties. The moment you click the checkout button in our store, our site goes into a secure, encrypted mode to ensure that your personal and billing information remains safe. 


If you have any questions or if we can help you in any way, please contact us by email or at 800-822-3953.